

The World Opens Up (a little) When You Do

Photo By Brent Knepper

Oh man. The last few weeks have been pretty incredible. From starting a new job, to attending a pretty amazing design conference, things seem to be moving in the right direction for me. I realized that I have begun to just open up a little more. Open up to new opportunities, to new people, and most importantly, new views. I feel like I am laying the ground work for something that can turn out to be amazing! Steve Jobs once said:

“You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”

Every business card I hand out, every hand I shake and every new opportunity I say "yes" to (not in a Jim Carrey kind of way) adds another dot. I'm not even thinking about how the connect now, but I'm trusting that one day I'll be able to draw those lines between them all!

So now to the cool new thing that has opened up for me! Another one of my goals was to take a train to a city I have never been to. It looks like I am going to be crossing that off the list (I've actually be to Seattle once before, but I am passing through a LOT of other cities i've never even heard of, so it counts)! A week after starting my new job I had a chat with this dude. He runs a pretty awesome train travel blog where he takes Amtrak trains all over and documents them with photography. We got on the topic of trains and I told him I have never been on one (other than the CTA). We began talking about taking a trip together (or maybe I just invited myself. I'm not sure.) and now I am officially departing today on a train bound for Seattle! It's a long ride, and I might go crazy, but I am incredibly excited to do something I haven't before. I will of course be taking a lot of photos and will hopefully be doing some personal design work to commemorate the journey!

Wish me luck!

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