

Has it really been 2 years?

Photo from the 2013 Blackhawks Parade

Photo from the 2013 Blackhawks Parade

Well, yes, it has been. 2 years ago today I sold most of the things I owned (thanks to the help of a few friends), packed up my car and made the 12 hour drive to Chicago. I remember telling all of my friends back in Charlotte before my final semester in college that I wanted to move to Chicago, and no one even believed me. To be honest, I don’t even know if I actually believed I could make it happen. I guess I did (not with out some serious help from my friend, Amelia, who let me sleep on her floor for two months rent free). In the days leading up to my move, I found myself sitting in my nearly empty bedroom, in tears, trying to tell myself that I was making the right decision. I don’t think I'd ever been so scared.

The size of your dreams must always exceed your current capacity to achieve them. If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough.
— Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

I think they were big enough.

After giving myself a nice pep talk (and Amelia telling me I would be ok), I realized I was ready for this, and the journey began. Chicago has been a great place for me to develop not only as a designer, but as a person. I’ve had an amazing time in this city, and I’ve had the opportunity to do things I don’t think I ever would have if I was still in Charlotte. I’ve done some design work for some pretty awesome people/clients. I’ve taken a train across the country with an amazing photographer. I’ve even kissed the Stanley Cup. But most importantly, I’ve made some invaluable connections with some pretty incredible artist/designers/friends/people. It’s pushed to get out of my comfort zone. While it’s hard not having any family in close proximity, and only a handful of friends, I know Chicago is an crucial stepping stone in my career and in my life.

Two years seems like a weird amount of time do reflect on my decision to move here, but I feel like I’ve done an incredible amount of maturing in this short amount of time. I don’t think Chicago is my final stop of cities that I live in (Nashville? Austin?), but I’m not ready to leave quite yet! Minus the lack of sweet tea and quality barbecue, Chicago is finally starting to feel like home. Here’s to a few more good years in the City of Broad Shoulders!

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